There are many worthwhile organizations that you may consider donating to in support of Israel and choosing one can feel overwhelming. To help you navigate these options, WRT has identified 6 organizations that are addressing specific needs in Israel right now, including in the South. You will also find a more extensive alphabetical list below.
Magen David Adom operates Israeli’s ambulance and Medivac units, runs its emergency dispatch system dispatch system, trains its paramedics, and serves as the sole blood supplier for the Israeli Defense Forces. Michael Bloomberg has pledged to match all contributions.
Israel’s largest independent, non-profit, fully volunteer emergency medical service organization that provides the fastest emergency medical service throughout Israel, free of charge. Currently conducting an emergency campaign for emergency equipment. You can make a monetary donation or donate specific medical equipment.
Friends of the Israeli Defense Forces
Gifts to the FIDF go toward temporary field hospitals, intensive care ambulances, hygiene kits, as well as other urgent needs identified by the IDF.
American Friends of Soroka Medical Center
American Friends of Soroka Medical Center is a nonprofit organization dedicated to supporting Soroka Medical Center, Israel’s only major hospital in Southern Israel.
UJA NY Emergency Fund For Israel
UJA NY’s Emergency Fund is mobilizing urgently needed relief for the people of Israel, including emergency cash assistance for victims of terror trauma counseling, care for children in shelters, burial expenses, and funds to relocate people to safer areas.
NATAL is the Israel Trauma and Resiliency Center. It is an apolitical organization providing multidisciplinary treatment and support to direct and indirect victims of trauma due to terror and war in Israel.
A message from Rabbi Baken:
As many of you know, I (Rabbi Sasha Baken) am an alumna from the University of Wisconsin-Madison (UW). I know that I and our Communications Director Danielle Feigenbaum (as well as her sophomore daughter) are not the only proud Badgers in our WRT community. Like other colleges and universities, the UW campus has recently experienced alarming antisemitic incidents including one on Saturday, November 18th, when a neo-Nazi group marched from areas adjacent to campus to the state’s capitol.
I have been deeply heartened by the quick and thoughtful responses coming from fellow UW Jewish alumni. In addition to supporting one another, alumni have created a donation page dedicated to strengthening the endeavors of local Jewish organizations and Jewish students on campus. If you would like to, you can donate here:
Some alumni have also written a letter pledging love and support to students on campus. To my fellow Badgers, you can join the over 1000+ alumni who have signed this letter, extending your support to students currently enrolled:
To the rest of our beloved WRT family, I encourage you all to discover what other alumni from your alma maters are doing to speak out against antisemitism. Please inform WRT if you, or your friends, are engaged in similar efforts, so we can spread the word in our Westchester community!