Upcoming Events

Looking for WRT Family to Host Israeli Social Worker – September 15 to 25, 2024

As a way of thanking Israeli volunteers and social workers, as well as building bonds between them and the American Jewish community, Westchester’s “Shalom Yisrael” has for over 20 years brought small groups, who’ve never been to New York, for short visits.  This year’s group of 6 women is from Ashkelon, not very far from Gaza; they work to help single mothers and families in need. 


We are looking for one or two WRT families who are willing to host a guest in September (HHDs are late this year!).  Hosts bring guests to the WRT parking lot at about 8 am and pick them up again late in the afternoon or evening. 


Interested in hosting?  To find out more information, please contact Yoel Magid.